Xalam/Djeli Ngoni Tuning and Guide

Tuning The Xalam/Djeli Ngoni 

Most Xalam also known as Djeli Ngoni are made with gut ring tuners. Unfortunately, tuning the instrument this way is not only very difficult but also hard to stay in tune. The use of mechanical metal tuners facilitates tuning and is as easy as tuning a guitar or banjo. Check out the audio clips below to help tune your instrument. 


Environmental Factors 

 A musical instrument should not be in direct heat or cold for extended periods of time. Variations in temperature and humidity can affect the tuning of the instrument. It is good practice and rewarding to always tune before practicing/playing. 



Traditionally, very thin wire is wrapped/wound by hand to make a Djeli string. As an alternative readily available nylon strings can be used for the Ngoni.

Bass:  .032/.036/.04 nylon

Two Melody:  .032 nylon

Two drone (non-fretable):  .028 nylon


Sound Block (Wood)

To emulate the damped sound of the traditional Djeli Ngoni the instrument comes with a small wooden block that is wedged between the skin and neck (inside the body). It is up to you to find out which placement will give you the most enjoyable sound character. The block can also be turned to the side or removed entirely to give the instrument a more banjo like sound. 


Piezo Pickup

The pickup should be placed on either foot of the bridge. Please refer to the Xalam product photos for placement. Be sure to leave room for the sound block if needed. (Only for instruments with the electronics add-on)


Xalam/Djeli Ngoni Tuning 

While these tunings below may not be traditional they are a few that I like to play with : ) The bass string can be a 3rd or 5th apart from the adjacent melody string. The two melody strings could be a 4th or 5th apart. The two drone strings can be tuned to any note above the highest pitch melody string. Experiment and have fun with different drone pitch combinations!

In the case below C#3 is the bass string, F#3 is the adjacent melody string and B3 is the melody string pair.

Low to High 

C#3 E4 F#3 B3 F#4
A#2 F4 F3 A#3 F#4



Sky_Away · Djeli Tuning Open Back Palm Mute