Kora Tuning and Guide

Tuning The Kora

One of the most important things to watch for is the bridge to be perpendicular to the bridge pad at all times. As the instrument is being tuned higher in pitch the bridge tends to angle towards the top of the neck. If the instrument is tuned down the bridge tends to angle towards the bottom. 

 It is good practice and rewarding to always tune before practicing/playing.


Environmental Factors 

 A musical instrument should not be in direct intense heat or cold for extended periods of time. Variations in temperature and humidity can affect the tuning of the instrument. 


Floating Bridge Kora 

Since this Kora design does not use dowels through the skin like its traditional counterpart it is NOT advised to tune the kora higher than D/D#. 


Kora Tuning 

Kora Tuning in D Major


Kora tuning in D major


Sky_Away · Kora Tuning D

Kora Tuning in C Major


Sky_Away · Tuning With Cover



Sky_Away · Kora Tuning C