Design and Innovation First

Appreciating traditional methods and creations...

   Sky Away strives to push the boundaries of design & sound

Hi my name is Milton and I am an Engineer. My inherent nature since I was a child has been to build and create new things ( you name it! ). As music naturally has its place in Physics, my early fascination with the sciences naturally opened a new path for understanding sound and the instruments that create it.  I have had the privilege to travel all over the world for the past 20 years in search of ideas and history. In these adventures many connections were forged with locals, musicians, luthiers, and craftspeople. Having gained global knowledge and studying numerous world instruments has been crucial to designing and crafting musical instruments. Using the history and tools has helped innovate and shape the instruments we design and build at Sky Away. Our goal is to make an instrument that you will love and be able to connect with.


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My journey started in 2008 when I decided to take three weeks to learn how to build and play the Kamel Ngoni and Kora in Senegal and Mali. I was fortunate enough to learn and spend time with the family of Toumani Diabate in Bamako, Mali. They were very helpful and a great source of inspiration. Since then I have experimented with many different designs and found ways to improve the sound, resonance, and volume on the Xalam, Ngoni, and Kora.



Industry standard software, tools, and machines are utilized in the component or instrument making process. From CAD design to CAM machine instruction processing the parts are machined using a professionally made CNC router with one thousandths of an inch tolerance. 3D Printers are also used for special components in the instrument build process. 

CNC Router